Monday, December 8, 2014


Life is very mysterious, I wonder what's the purpose?
When you think you've figured it all out, you have only scratched the surface.
The Moon and the sun, the day and the night, it is all so perfect.

It must be a being so divine to conjure up this elite design.
But Instead of listening to our heart and gut,
we let obscure thoughts and ideas fill up our minds.

We have created many things, but also we have destroyed many vines.
You may say that I'm late, but I don't believe in the existence of time.

Some people are good and some people are evil, there will always be crime.
But diversity is what makes it possible for me to write this rhyme.

We are confined to old beliefs and ideas,
with permissions no one but you can grant.
We consider ourselves supreme
And there's no reason that we cant,
but there is so much more that we can learn from the animals and the plants.

We ignore so many things, but Everything is put here for a reason.
We go to school to stop ourselves from cheating,
but what besides a piece of paper are we really achieving?

As we continue to grow and create,
things change as do the seasons.
A poem is nothing more than a series of thoughts recorded for receiving.
But until you die and reemerge, you will not fully understand its meaning.

Society takes your soul and puts it on a shelf,
while you look in a mirror and see an image of yourself.
Stare all you want but that will never be enough to fully understand yourself.

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